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14 avril 2009


Meringue Cake:4 large (120 grams) egg whites 1 cup (200 grams) powdered sugar 1 teaspoon white vinegar 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch (corn flour) Preheat the oven to 130°C. Whip the egg whites until stiff and dry. While whipping add the sugar little by little....
13 avril 2009

And then she wanted to make her own birthday cake...

And then she wanted to make her own birthday cake...
Nut crumble crust: 1 cup floor 1 cup toasted nut powder 1/2 cup butter 3 tbs powdered sugar 1/8 tea salt 1/2 tea vanilla 1/4 tea cinnamon Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cream the butter until light and fluffy. Slowly mix in the other ingredients, finish by...
12 avril 2009

Easter muffins

Easter muffins
Cream:150g butter 2/3 sugar Add:3 eggs 1 tea vanilla extract 1 tea cinnamon 1/2 tea salt Mix in little by little:2/3 cup white flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 3/4 cup oatmeal 1 packet of baking powder 1 cup applesauce Mix in a seperate bowl:1/3 cup sweetened...
12 avril 2009


10 avril 2009

12am Ooey-Gooey Custard Pie

Crust: 1/2 cup butter 3 tbs sugar 1 1/2 cups flour 1/2 tea salt Finger mix. Pat into a pie pan. Stick into the oven until golden. Set to cool. Custard: 2 eggs 1 tbs sugar 1 tbs rice flour 1 tbs maïzena 2 cups milk orange blossum essence nutmeg Set the...
28 mars 2009

Eggplant Khachapuries

Eggplant Khachapuries
This is a little adaptation of the traditionnal Georgian khachapur'y recipe (cheese bread) Dough Mix:1 yogurt 2 cups of flour 1 package of baking powder 1/2 tea salt 4 tbs olive oil (+1/4 cup of water if necessary)Knead together and form a none sticky...
27 mars 2009


Satsivi is originally a Circassian dish which the Georgians borrowed and adapted from their neighbours. Boil the chicken with 3-4 bay leaves and 1/2 an onion in 3-4 cups of waterChop 2 mideum size to large onions and 3 cloves of garlic. Fry them, optimally...
26 mars 2009

Quesadillas croustillantes au crème d'haricots blancs et vache qui rit

Quesadillas croustillantes au crème d'haricots blancs et vache qui rit
Crème d'haricots blancs: -1/2 bocal d'haricots blancs -1/2 onion -2 petits piments rouges frais Précuire l'onion haché 2min au micro-ondes. Mixer tous les ingredients, pour obtenir une purée bien crèmeuse. Préchauffer une poêle avec une noisette d'huile....
25 mars 2009

Pastilla "Auvergnate"

4 Feuilles de brique 1 pomme de terre coupé en fines lamelles 1 onion coupé en lamelles des lentilles 2 saucisses coupé en petits morceaux poivre/sel hysope 1/2 tea Sucre roux huile d'olive Préchauffer le four à 200°. Placer du papier sulfurisé au fond...
23 mars 2009

Stephanie's Shameless sweet and sour chicken

I have friends that are great cooks but also have kids so they come to develop a keen skill at making good food fast. In a baking dish put 8 chicken legs dump on top 1 can of peaches and 1 jar of salsa just for the pizzazze add 3 diced shallots. Stick...
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